How to safely clean your keyboard, whether it’s connected, wireless, or integrated into a laptop, and avoid damaging it in the process.

If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, the keyboard is likely one of the dirtiest locations in your home.

You did nothing wrong since everything that you often touch will naturally get filthy over time. This is a normal process. Although though keyboards are intended to be used often, a sufficient amount of dirt and filth may nonetheless cause harm to the keys and sensors of the device if it is allowed to accumulate.

Thinking about needing to clean your gadgets may be a very unpleasant experience. You are not the first person to wipe your keyboard, nor will you be the final one to do so. There are a variety of simple approaches you may take to clean your keyboard, irrespective of the model it is.

DON'T Buy a Mechanical Keyboard Before Watching THIS! - YouTube

The following is a guide that will show you how to clean your keyboard and remove dust, filth, and grime from the keys.

How to keep your computer's keyboard clean and sanitary

An external keyboard is one that is not incorporated into the computer itself and instead connects to it through wires or cables.

Before you get started, you will need the following items:

Alcohol for rubbings

Countless cotton swabs

An uncontaminated microfiber cleaning cloth (or any lint-free cloth)

In addition to that, you should probably pick up a can of compressed air and a toothpick. The toothpick can be used to remove dirt from crevices, while the can of compressed air may be used to blast the dust out of spots that are difficult to access.

Now that you have everything you need, here is what you should do next.

1. Disconnect the cord from your keyboard.

2. To remove any loose dirt from the keyboard, you should flip it over and let it fall out on its own. If you have access to a can of compressed air, you may use it to clear away any further garbage.

3. Cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol may be used to clean the space between the keys on a computer keyboard. The cotton swab should be wet, but not dripping with liquid when it is used. After the cotton swab has accumulated a sufficient amount of grime, dispose of it. It's possible that you'll need more than one cotton swab to fully clean your keyboard.

4. If you have a toothpick on hand and you see anything that is stuck in place, now is the time to remove it cautiously using the toothpick.

5. Next, put some rubbing alcohol on a moist cloth or towelette, and use it to wipe the tops of the keys on the keyboard as well as the regions surrounding them.

6. Polishing and removing any remaining dust from your keyboard may be done with the help of a lint-free, dry cloth.

You can also remove individual keys from most external keyboards, which is an excellent way to clean the areas beneath the keys. This may be done by going into the settings menu. You will also have the opportunity to clean each key more thoroughly as a result of this.

Examine the instruction manual that came with your keyboard to see whether or not the keys can be removed and reattached, and if so, how to do so if they can.

When you have cleaned the keyboard, be sure to let it air dry completely before plugging it back in and using it again.

Instructions for keeping the keys on your laptop clean

A laptop keyboard is a term used to refer to the keyboard that is included with your laptop or netbook.

You will want to be sure you have these items on hand at all times:

Clear tape that is low-stick or cleaning slime works best.

antibacterial swabs or wipes

To be clear, you do not need to utilize a can of compressed air; but, doing so may prove to be useful.

When you have your preferred cleaning products available, carry out these steps:

1. Switch off your laptop and remove it from any and all power sources before continuing (you may also wish to take out the battery, if possible).

2. Flip your laptop on its side to remove any dust or debris that may have accumulated on the keyboard. If you have access to a can of compressed air, you should make use of it to clear away any further garbage.

3. When you need to collect extra dust, use the adhesive side of the transparent tape. If you want a more complete clean, it's also a good idea to place the tape beneath the keys and slide it about. Instead, if you choose to use the cleaning slime, you could push it repeatedly into the gaps between the keys and then raise it up, which would cause the slime to collect up dirt as you went along.

4. You may clean the tops of the keyboard keys with disinfectant wipes by using your hand to softly wash them. It is important to keep in mind that you should not submerge your keyboard in the disinfectant. Instead, you are going to give it a cursory inspection, so before you do anything else, you are going to want to squeeze some of the water out of the wipes.

5. To remove the very last speck of dust from your keyboard and to bring out its natural sheen, polish it with a dry cloth or towelette.

Once again, you should wait until the keyboard has been fully dried off before using your laptop again.

To assist prevent dirt and dust from seeping into your keyboard in the future, you may take the additional step of placing a silicone cover over it as a potential last step in the process. If anything were to fall on it, this may also prevent it from becoming wet.